Sunday, December 11, 2011

What do you do with your Leftovers?

Saturday night's polenta made a great Sunday morning brunch.  Something I learned from the culinary talents of my aunts and cousins is that if you made a great pasta or rice dish the night before, chances are it will make a great torta then next day.  It is amazing what adding a egg or two will do.  If you have cheese (parmesan, fontina or mozzarella) even better.  Our Saturday dinner was a simple polenta with mushroom and tomato sauce.  The next day we mixed it together with 2 beaten eggs and added it to a hot skillet.  Once the bottom set it went in the oven at 350 degrees until it was done all the way through.  Then we topped it with poached eggs because, let's face it, everything is better with a poached egg on top.

What do you do with your leftovers?  


  1. We don't often have leftovers,but when we do we dress them up in a similar fashion to your methods.
    Leftover boiled spaghetti can be fried into a crisp pie or easily turned into carbonara.
    The possibilities are endless.

  2. this looks great I love making bubble and squeak from mashed potatoes and vegetables

  3. I had to look up what bubble and squeak was but it looks great! I will have to try it. Thank you both for your comments.
